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DC Democratic Party Passes Resolution in Support of Initiative 81

For Immediate Release | October 2, 2020

Contact: Claire Goldberg,

DC Democratic Party Passes Resolution in Support of Initiative 81

WASHINGTON, DC — During their general body meeting last night, the DC Democratic Party passed a resolution in support of Initiative 81, a measure to decriminalize entheogenic plants and fungi. Following a presentation by Melissa Lavasani, the leader of the Campaign to Decriminalize Nature DC, and a discussion amongst the general body, the resolution was passed by a vote of 23-10.

Initiative 81 would make the possession and use of entheogenic medicines, such as mushrooms, among the lowest law enforcement priorities. The initiative does not fully legalize entheogens, nor does it change existing penalties. Research has shown that entheogens can be an effective treatment for addiction, anxiety, depression, trauma and other illnesses, and they are non-addictive.

“Following a robust discussion between members of our organization and representatives from the Campaign to Decriminalize Nature DC, our Party passed a resolution in support of Initiative 81,” DC Democratic Party Chairman Charles Wilson said. “This initiative can help people struggling from mental illness and other afflictions who have found healing through entheogenic medicines, while moving us closer to ending the War on Drugs.”

“The Campaign to Decriminalize Nature DC thanks the DC Democratic Party for supporting Initiative 81 ahead of the November election,” Melissa Lavasani said. “The commonsense reforms to police priorities proposed by Initiative 81 will help ensure that those benefiting from entheogenic plants and fungi are not law enforcement targets. As the proposer of Initiative 81, I would also like to personally thank the DC Democratic Party for standing up for residents across DC who currently fear arrest or investigation for using plant medicines that can help treat depression, anxiety and addiction.”



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