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DC Democratic Party Passes “No Donation Without Representation” Resolution

For Immediate Release | July 9, 2020

Contact: Claire Goldberg,

DC Democratic Party Passes “No Donation Without Representation” Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC — The DC Democratic Party passed a resolution at our Thursday, July 2nd General Body Meeting stating that we will only donate or offer in-kind services to candidates who support DC statehood. The resolution was drafted by DC Democratic Party Statehood Committee Co-Chairs Andria Thomas and James S. Bubar.

With DC residents contributing substantial fundraising to campaigns, including more than $95 million in individual contributions in 2016, it is imperative that we put that money toward electing politicians who commit to ending Washingtonians’ disenfranchisement by supporting statehood.

We encourage DC residents to follow our lead by researching or asking candidates their stance on DC statehood before making contributions. While we understand that any contribution to a Democratic candidate is a worthy one, DC residents can choose from hundreds of candidates to support in 2020. We suggest that support for DC statehood be a consideration in deciding where to direct contributions to candidates. This is our party’s effort to promote DC statehood and gain support from Democrats around the country.

Students for DC Statehood have organized a pledge that candidates can take showing their support for the cause. People can also look to the list of co-sponsors for S.631, the Senate’s DC statehood bill, as well as the list of Democrats who voted for H.R.51, the “Washington DC Admissions Act,” in the House (all but one, Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson).

The resolution is as follows:

WHEREAS, the District of Columbia Democratic State Committee (DCDSC) has both an obligation and responsibility to advocate for policies which advance the well-being of the residents of the District of Columbia; and,

WHEREAS, the DCDSC supports Statehood and full democracy for the residents of the District of Columbia and is urging that the national Democratic party include Statehood and full democracy in the 2020 Democratic Party platform; and,

WHEREAS, advocacy in a modern electoral era includes providing direct and indirect support to candidates who support said policy; and,

WHEREAS, the residents of Washington, DC contributed more than $95 million in direct support to candidates or electoral organizations in the 2016 election cycle nationally and are expected to do the same for the 2020 election cycle; and,

WHEREAS, the residents of Washington, DC contribute countless hours of indirect support through direct grassroots activity on behalf of candidates and outside organizations; and,

WHEREAS, the DCDSC desires to adopt “No Donation Without Representation” with respect to donations of money and services to candidates in the 2020 election cycle and beyond.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the DCDSC adopts “No Donation Without Representation” with respect to donations of money and services to candidates in the 2020 election cycle and beyond; and,

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the DCDSC will only provide direct contributions, and indirect organizational support, staff assistance and endorsements to candidates and organizations who have demonstrated public, on-the-record support for Statehood for the District of Columbia; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the DCDSC will develop educational materials and resources and disseminate them as needed to inform the residents of Washington, DC about these criteria and encourage them to adopt similar, personal criteria for their own contributions of money and services to candidates in the 2020 election cycle.



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