Vote NO on Initiative 83

Initiative 83 is a ballot initiative which proposes Rank Choice Voting & Semi-Closed Primaries. If passed, it would allow non-Democratic party members to vote in Democratic primaries.
The District’s Home Rule Act provides that primary elections are closed. This means that only registered Democrats can vote in the primary election and select Democratic candidates for the general election. Semi-Closed primaries would take this away.
The DC Democratic Party believes that political parties have the right to choose their own nominees. Allowing non-Democrats a voice in Democratic elections will cause our Party's values and goals to be diluted. Rank Choice Voting and Semi-Closed Primaries may compromise the integrity of our party, potentially leading to nominees who do not fully align with our core values.
While we recognize the importance of improving our electoral system, we believe the authors of I-83 erred in combining two complex issues into a single ballot initiative, and it is not the right solution for the District.
Democrats must protect closed primaries. Closed primaries provide a safeguard against potential interference from individuals who do not share the Democratic Party's values. Talk to your friends, family and neighbors about the importance of maintaining our Party's integrity.
Remember to Vote NO on Initiative 83!