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Candidates for At-Large Delegate

Candidates for Biden 

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Andrew Gerst

I served as an At-Large Alternate Delegate from the District of Columbia pledged to President Biden and Vice-President Harris at the (virtual) DNC Convention in 2020, and would consider it an honor and a privilege to serve again as a regular At-Large Delegate at the 2024 DNC Convention. I believe that this truly is the most important election of our lifetime, and that it is critical to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris. I want very much to be a part of that process this year as a regular At-Large Delegate. I have lived in the District of Columbia for over 40 years, attended college and law school here, and have worked for the D.C. Government in several different capacities for many years. I have also been involved in local and national Democratic politics for a long time, having worked on several presidential campaigns, having interned on Capitol Hill and having served previously as a member of the Ward 3 Democratic Committee. I currently live in Ward 2. I believe that I am highly and uniquely qualified to serve as a regular At-Large Delegate from the District of Columbia in 2024, and I humbly ask for your support.

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Bernita Carmichael

I am seeking re-election as At-Large Delegate for the 2024 DNC convention because of my unwavering support for President Biden, his administration, and our party. My photo selection reflects this support, as it shows me serving as a DNC At-Large Delegate for Biden in 2020 virtually. Due to my recovery from COVID during the August 2020 convention, I was unable to attend in person as I had after effects from COVID only time and prayer could heal. However, I was grateful for the opportunity to participate as part of a live virtual audience, thanks to the understanding of Biden organizers and support of my community. The organizers of the virtual audience were accommodating of my condition and allowed me to take breaks as needed. I bring this same level of care and dedication to my local party and hometown of Washington, DC, which will soon be the 51st State. I also appreciate President Biden's support for Statehood. As the daughter of a Gulf War Veteran from the 85th Evacuation Unit, I strongly believe in our armed forces. As a member of the LGBTQIA community I am grateful our party amplified Love is Love. As a partner of Women Empowerment, I proudly ran an all women’s slate called Ward 5 Live to empower our local Dem women to run. I am DC Proud to support our local Democratic Party and our remarkable Mayor Muriel Bowser, who stood up against Trump-MAGA for suffocating DC in COVID AID & breaching America’s Capitol willingly. I’m deeply proud to support President Biden, who protects the soul of America. I hope you will consider me, Bernita Carmichael, as a faithful voice and supporter of the Blue Wave, the Blue Future, and the re-election of Joe Biden!

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Michael Coleman

Most poor black men like me never are allowed to be in the process

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Jordan Dey

As a black woman, I support the history and inclusion of the Democratic party. I have been able to see the first Black president under this party. That memory has helped fuel my love for politics and my love for helping others. I am very passionate about my love for D.C, I believe it is a true melting pot of culture. With that in mind, I hate to see the city go without. In my time here in D.C I have seen it change drastically, not necessarily for the positive. However, I know that these changes are easy fixes; we just need the right people to push it forward. I believe that I am that person. I am determined not only on a personal level to see DC grow, but for the future of the youth living here. I would love to be apart of the change I see in my city, it would make me so proud.

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Sergio Espinosa

I ask for your support to be named an at-large delegate from the District of Columbia pledged to U.S. President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic National Convention. I am a lifelong Democrat who has committed his professional and personal life to helping others and upholding the promise that all Americans, regardless of their background, are treated fairly, have an opportunity to succeed, and live with dignity. In the beginning of my professional life, I was a social studies teacher for five years, working with inner city and immigrant students, while earning a Master’s degree in secondary education at night. After leaving the classroom, I worked on Capitol Hill as a congressional staffer for two House Democrats, focusing on economic opportunity and equal rights for historically underrepresented communities. Today, I am with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), where I advocate for the rights of DC residents and all working Americans to earn a living wage, have access to affordable health care and a secure retirement, and provide their children with the best opportunity to succeed. I am also a member of IBEW Local 1900, which represents electrical workers in Washington, DC. I am a longtime resident of Ward One.

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Elizabeth Shuler -  Pre-selected by the Biden Administration.*

I would be honored to bring the voice of Washington DC’s residents at the DNC Convention because there is so much at stake — we need to continue the progress made by the Biden-Harris Administration: critical investments in our economy in infrastructure, clean energy, technology and good high wage jobs are just starting to land in our communities. We need to tell the story of all that’s been done these past four years and finish the job!

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Judith Barnett

Hello. I have had the honor of serving in three Presidential Administrations, have attended numerous conventions, and served as a fundraiser since 2020. At this time, I would like to officially and proudly represent our District at the 2024 DNC Convention. Judith Barnett, J.D.

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Lucy Lennon

As someone deeply entrenched in Democratic politics since 2014, my journey, from grassroots volunteering to pivotal roles in campaigns like Congressman John Delaney's and Michael Bloomberg's, has solidified my dedication to advancing Democratic ideals. My extensive experience as a finance assistant, deputy national finance director, and personal aide underscores my commitment to effective fundraising and strategic campaign management. From gubernatorial races to advising former Maryland State Senate Majority Leader, I've honed skills in political strategizing, fieldwork, and advocacy. My multifaceted roles have equipped me with a nuanced understanding of the political landscape and a passion for fostering progressive change. As a Delegate for the 2024 Democratic National Convention, I aim to amplify diverse voices, advocate for inclusive policies, and contribute to shaping a brighter future for our party and nation. My unwavering dedication to electing Democrats, coupled with a deep-seated passion for politics, positions me as an enthusiastic and capable representative for our party's values and aspirations.

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Mark Nichols

I am a strong supporter of President Biden. I was a Biden Delegate and Whip at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. I am running to be an At Large Delegate because I believe I am best positioned, based on my experience in 2020 and the work I have done for the campaign, to represent the District of Columbia at the 2024 Convention. Thank you for your support.

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Anila Ali

After being an Obama Delegate and then a HIllary delegate and been an ex-officio, I moved to DC from California in 2020, to help promote President Biden's agenda for the next four years. As the founder and president of the first-ever Muslim American women's civil rights organization, and a die-hard Democrat, I am confident that I will be an asset for the Dems. I am a Pakistani-born Muslim American who has supported Democratic agenda since I became a citizen of this great country. As a Muslim faith leader, I have guided Muslims to support Democrats as their voice since 2008 and I have credibility to do it again. I have led Welcome America, Get Vaccinated and all other campaigns for the White House and Department of State, helping with the Afghan resettlement. I am openly pro-choice, and pro-LGBTQ rights as a Muslim woman faith leader. I work closely with Congressman Clyburn, and Pastor Monroe to keep Muslims as Democrats even in these difficult times. I founded the first ever Pakistani American Democratic Clubs in California and now I am the co-chair of the DC Ethnic Caucus. I am also the first ever Muslim woman Democrat to have run for office in 2014 in a largely red county at that time. I was hailed as Democratic trailblazer. I got a Women, Politics , Activism and Suffragette award by California State University Fullerton Women's Oral History Project chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ With my proven rec ord of Democratic activism, I will be a great at-large delegate.

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Henry Mark

As a 19-year-old who grew up in Ward 6 attending DC Public Schools, I’ve testified at the DC Council on gun violence, interned at the Office of the Attorney General, and served as a student advisor to the DCPS Chancellor and on my high school’s Local School Advisory Team. I’m grateful for these opportunities to serve the District and add my perspective as a DC native to important conversations. I’ve also volunteered to help elect Democrats locally and nationally, but I know how few other people my age are helping build the party. We're at risk of losing touch with the very voters who represent both our party’s and our nation’s future. It's not enough to worry about this disconnection; we need to actively bridge the gap and listen to young people’s concerns. By electing me as a Delegate to the 2024 National Convention, DC Democrats will signal a genuine commitment to youth voices and the work we must do together to ensure the Democratic Party remains committed to progress, inclusion, and electoral success for generations to come.

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Lorenzo Cinalli

I am a deep advocate for Democratic values nationally, as well as in my own community. I am an outspoken activist running for my local Advisory Neighborhood Commission, have a long history of community service, and am a passionate environmentalist. I also reflect many issues that young people like myself (<36 years) care about: the need for a solution to the housing crisis, the climate change crisis, the wealth inequality crisis, and the attack on the rights of women around the county. Being a Delegate provides an opportunity to amplify voices like mine, advocating for policies that prioritize equity, justice, and sustainability. I am to help elevate these issues that are important to me and to many others, while being inclusive and ensuring diverse perspectives are heard and represented.

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Stuart Anderson

I seek to be one of the DC At-Large Delegates at the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Serving as both the 2nd Vice President for the Ward 8 Dems and the Ward 8 Committeeman, I seek to engage, inform and advise Democratic voters to advance basic principles of equity, accountability and transparency. As a leader in the democratic party I believe, with the increasing threats coming from the MAGA extremist growing across our country, we need strong voices guiding the trajectory of our democracy. I have been recognized as an authority on issues ranging from politics to public safety and judicial issues. Some of you will recall, I lead the creation of the Returning Citizens constituent group within the DC Democratic Party here in Washington. I was educated via the DC public school system, the University of the District of Columbia and Georgetown University. Having been a DC Delegate in 2016, I have been a strong Advocate for DC Statehood and played key roles in local democratic Mayoral, Attorney General, Shadow Representative, and DC Council races here in the District. If chosen I will continue articulating and promoting our Democratic platform at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

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Irene Kang

I strongly believe that a second Trump presidency would be devastatingly detrimental to our nation. We need to show force, unity and diversity in our delegation representing the District of Columbia at the national convention. As the co-chair for the AAPI caucus and my history of political DC government knowledge, I know that I can be a positive value add to our delegation.

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Corina Garay

I would like to run as an At-Large Delegate because I aim to represent the diverse voices of our party. Latinos make up a significant portion of the Democratic Party's base and are projected to be one of the largest and most influential voting blocs in 2024. A powerful demographic shift is coming and representation in Chicago is essential for our party's electoral success. Latino voices deserve to be heard and represented at every level of decision-making, including the national convention. There are currently no Latinos who will serve as a delegate in Chicago, but I hope to change that with the help of my fellow DCDSC colleagues who stand firmly in support of racial equity and inclusion. With a fervent dedication to the principles of justice, equality, and progress, I also hope to represent our shared DC values in Chicago and discuss the importance of DC Statehood. As a lifelong Washingtonian, I take pride in our city and look forward to working with other delegates to advance our interests. If elected delegate, I will work tirelessly to advocate for the policies that uplift all Americans, promote inclusivity, and advance our collective shared values as a nation. I hope that I can count on your vote!

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Manny "Emanuel"Pastreich- Pre-selected by the Biden Administration.

I would like to be a DNC delegate because I believe it is important to have the voice of working class people - which i represent in my union - be paramount in the platform, conversation and minds of democrats. I lead SEIU 32BJ, a union that has a special history and opportunity to make change. We are one of the largest local unions in the country with 175,000 members – bigger than many international unions – with the resources and talent to win contracts, organize, and make politics happen for working people. We represent essential workers in key industries, and can use our leverage to advance transformative change for all workers

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Ebony Payne

I am running to be an At-Large Delegate because I wholeheartedly support President Biden for a second term and believe this is the best way to formally declare that. DC is particularly vulnerable in this election due to the Republican party's repeated threats to take away Home Rule and meddle in our local affairs. I ran to be a Delegate representing Ward 7 on April 20th and placed in the Top 4, but unfortunately only 3 women candidates could be chosen from District 2. Our delegation currently does not have any female representation from Ward 7, and we also need people under the age of 36. At 33 years old, I would fill all of these requirements. I would be honored to be selected and support President Biden at the 2024 Democratic National Convention this summer in Chicago.

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Zachary Israel

The numeric representational goal for the youth category (those under the age of 36 years old) among DC's delegation to the 2024 Democratic National Convention is 21 delegates (i.e., 41% of the delegation). Unless several of the At-Large delegate candidates selected by the Biden campaign (and ultimately, the DC Democratic State Committee [DCDSC]) are below the age of 36, the District's delegation will miss this representational goal by a massive degree! As a former National Committeeman of the DC Young Democrats (who is currently 34 years old), I would ensure that the District's large youthful population among registered Democratic voters is properly represented at the Convention in Chicago this August. In addition to my previous leadership role on the DCYD, I also served the District as an elected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in Ward 4 (on ANC 4D) in 2021-2022. I want to serve as a Delegate to the 2024 Democratic National Convention because I would be honored to cast my vote to officially renominate Joe Biden as our Democratic nominee for President of the United States of America.

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Guy Cecil- Pre-selected by the Biden Administration.*

I've spent the last 25 years working on campaigns and supporting candidates and causes I deeply believe in and support. In 2020, I led a Super PAC supporting Joe Biden and will do all I can in 2024 to re-elect our President and defeat President Trump. Everything I care about is on the ballot but the most important is the type of future my nieces and nephews will inherit. I am also willing to support any work that needs to be done on the floor or in committee to maximize the effectiveness of our week in Chicago.

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Sheila Bun

I am Sheila Bunn and I want to serve as a Biden-Harris Delegate for the 2024 Democratic National Convention so that I can continue to work to improve and shape the District’s and the Nation's political landscape by nominating President Biden as the Democratic nominee. I will also use this opportunity to help the DCDSC push once again for inclusion of DC Statehood in the Democratic Party's platform as well as eventual Statehood for the District. I am a proud Democrat who believes our party is the best vehicle to achieve socio-economic opportunity and justice. I currently serve as an Add-On Member of the DCDSC and in my almost 30 years of service to the Democratic Party, I have played key roles in several mayoral and council races. A native Washingtonian with a solid record of achievement, I've not only supported the national and local party over the years financially, but I've also done the work with the party to educate and register voters and traveled across the country to lobby other states to support our quest for Statehood. In light of today's political unrest, attacks on affordable health care and women’s reproductive health, the need for criminal justice reform, and the instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, now more than ever, we as Democrats, must strive to develop innovative ways to encourage greater voter participation in the District and across the nation, and support and advocate for civil and human rights. My whole career has been in public service and a majority of that work has been with organizations focused on elevating our youth, seniors, and the community at large. In that work, I am the Vice President of the Bellevue Neighborhood Civic Association working to address public safety, economic development and other quality of life issues on behalf of my neighbors. I also serve on the executive committee of the Ward 8 Democrats as the First Vice President, helping to make new investments in voter outreach and education. This election is one of the most pivotal in our history and we must sustain the momentum and progress of Biden-Harris in the White House and promote and develop programs that will propel Democrats in the District and nationwide to success in upcoming elections.

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Monika Nemeth

I was a Biden delegate at the 2020 DNC Convention. I have been an active member of the DC State Committee. I am on the Board of Capital Stonewall Democrats currently as VP for Administration though I have served in various capacities on the Board including two terms as president. I am running for delegate because I feel that it is important to have LGBTQ representation in the DC delegation especially as the LGBTQ community is under attack by the GOP and red states. I work hard on half of the candidates that I support and feel the President Biden has been an excellent president. We absolutely need him for another 4 years.

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Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen

Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen is the Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), soon to be Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE), and is a policy, advocacy, and messaging expert. Rodrigo is a proud Cuban American transgender man, with career spanning over 16 years, in policy and wide-ranging experience in the LGBTQI movement that has covered field organizing, volunteer training, leadership development, fundraising, and media advocacy.


Rodrigo's expertise in strategic messaging on transgender issues has established him as a subject matter expert, constantly sought out by advocates, lawmakers, and the media for his ability to craft persuasive messaging to advance transgender rights with audiences across the political spectrum.


Rodrigo has trained thousands of volunteers to canvass and phone bank on groundbreaking nondiscrimination and marriage equality campaigns, organized leadership development programs in transgender and LGBTQI communities of color, and has co-led a successful campaign to secure nondiscrimination protections for New Hampshire’s transgender Granite Staters.


In 2019, he joined NCTE as Deputy Executive Director for Policy and Action, and in 2021, he assumed the role of Executive Director. In 2023, under Rodrigo’s leadership, NCTE Action Fund become one of the first national LGBTQI organizations to officially endorse Biden’s re-election campaign.


In January 2024, NCTE revealed plans to merge with the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF), resulting in the formation of a new entity called Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE), with Heng-Lehtinen continuing in the role of Executive Director.


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Washington, DC 20003

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