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2024 Add-On Member Elections

The DC Democratic Party is looking for local Democrats to become more involved and help make decisions about our organization's agenda and goals. If you have community organizing, communications, fundraising, or other pertinent skills, please apply and help grow our party!



Pursuant to Article III A.5 of the Constitution of the DC Democratic State Committee (DCDSC), the Add- On Election of Twelve (12) additional members (six men and six women) with full rights of participation, including the right to vote and hold office. Such members shall be elected by the State Committee for a term of two (2) years.

How to Become a DCDSC Add-On Member


  • Submit the Add-On Member Application by Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 5:00 PM

    • ​Candidate must be a registered DC Democrat

  • Winners will be announced at the January 2025, meeting and serve in their respective role until December 2026.



Meet and Greet and Elections will be held TBD, at our General Body Meeting.

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